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Levelling Access – Mapping Arts and Disability Provision in Clare, Galway City and Mayo

16 August 2023

Publication now available online

Clare County Council and Clare Arts Office, in partnership with Mayo County Council Arts Service and Galway City Council Arts Officer, are delighted to announce the publication of ‘Levelling Access – Mapping Arts and Disability Provision in Clare, Galway City and Mayo’. The report will be published and available on from Wednesday, 16th August, 2023. 

‘Levelling Access – Mapping Arts and Disability Provision in Clare, Galway City and Mayo’ was commissioned by Mayo County Council Arts Service in partnership with local authority arts offices in Clare and Galway City. It was awarded funding from the Arts Council’s ‘An Invitation to Collaboration’ scheme. This scheme supports local authorities to work together on projects that benefit arts development locally, regionally, and nationally.

Over the past 25 years, all three local authority arts services have gained significant experience in the development and support of nationally recognoised arts and disability programmes. 

This report explores arts and disability provision in Clare, Mayo and Galway City, profiling projects and programme pathways for disabled persons to access the arts. It highlights current and potential barriers to sustaining and developing arts and disability provision. It also considers a framework for future development that is flexible and can be adapted for different local authority contexts and guide progress for different stakeholders.

The compilation of this report is deeply indebted to the artists, facilitators, people who work in disability resource organisations and local arts organisations in the three local authority areas who took the time to impart their knowledge, experience, and insights, and for signposting possible new routes and directions for people with disabilities to access the arts on their own terms.

‘Levelling Access – Mapping Arts and Disability Provision in Clare, Galway City and Mayo’ will be available in a range of formats on from Wednesday, 16th August. A limited number of printed reports will also be available on request from the project partners. 

For further information please contact or 094-9064000. 



Boga Boga project with Brothers of Charity and artist, Tara Brandel. Credit: Maurice Gunning.

Page last reviewed: 16/08/23

Content managed by: Corporate Services Department

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